Informationen zum Verein
Sunflower Care e.V. (Gemeinnützig)
Czeminskistraße 10
10829 Berlin
Olga Schöler-Stambulova
Dr. Anna Mogilatenko
Tatiana Kligman
Der Satzung der Körperschaft Sunflower Care e.V. erfüllt die satzungsmäßigen Voraussetzungen nach den §§ 51, 59, 60 und 61 AO.
Betreff „Sunflower Care“
Sunflower Care E.v.
Grafschafter Volksbank eG
IBAN DE04280699565701406000
We are currently working to improve our Donation experience,
but we ran into some technical difficulties, yet we still very depend on your donations to exist.
Please wire your donations meanwhile to our Bank account, if you need for this a special "donation receipt" please write us quickly an email stating your amount and name from where you wired the money to us. We will send you after a couple of days the requested receipt back.