Bringing the vulnerable ones to safety

Committed to saving lives, we help with evacuation for disabled and injured people from war zones in Ukraine
to safety and support them further, while providing essential aid to those affected.

icon of an ambulance


icon of five people


transporter loading aid on it

165k €

Aid delivered

Escaping war zones and suddenly trying to fit into a new society is really tough, especially for disabled people.

“We scoop up the sea with a cup, and it is impossible to scoop it out.
But if you see in every cup the people, it doesn't look so pointless anymore.”

Zhanna Dryha, evacuation coordinator

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Become a patreon

Behind every Sunflower Care mission is a complex process demanding resources. Stable monthly donations free us from constant fundraising, ensuring uninterrupted, life-saving operations for handicapped victims of the war. Be our backbone today.

Local Help

monthly renewing Donation
  • Local Train or bus ticket
  • food for a family for one day
  • a Carrier for a pet
  • package Painkillers/diapers
Ease Pain for 15€

Deliver Aid

monthly renewing Donation
  • 1 Bus or train Ticket Abroad
  • 1 wheelchair
  • 10 Hours of Rehabilitation in Ukraine
  • Food for a Family for 3 weeks
Deliver Aid for150€

Safe Lifes

monthly renewing Donation
  • 2 Train or Plane tickets
  • 2-4 Weeks Temporary Housing
  • 1 Month of professional Care in Ukraine
  • special Nutrition for a Month
Save lifes for 350€

Our work and values

At Sunflower Care e.V., we recognize the profound challenges faced by the disabled, neurodivergent, chronically ill, and war-injured individuals amidst the Ukrainian conflict. Many find evacuation daunting, if not impossible. Since the onset of the Russian invasion, our unwavering mission has been to support these vulnerable groups and their caregivers, both within Ukraine and as they integrate elsewhere.

  • Explore barrier-free med evac options: ICU transport, ambulances.
  • Find barrier-free housing for urgent medical needs & disabilities.
  • Aid with transport costs for those unable to access public transit.
  • Address individual accommodation & medical needs.
  • Navigate German social/healthcare & handle paperwork.
  • Accompany to offices & medical visits for translation.
  • Help get assistive devices: wheelchairs, laptops, etc.
  • Offer both online & offline translation.
  • Translate medical documents from Ukrainian to German.
  • Supply urgent necessities: food, clothes in Germany.
  • Send humanitarian aid to Ukraine.
  • Uphold human rights in camps; offer legal advice.
  • Conduct anti-ableism workshops.
Lets start with the first step

Solidarity weakens pain.
For the unseen and disabled,
your action matters.

Apply for Volunteer
Meet our

Dedicated Team

We are a group of allies. Some of us are from Ukraine. Some of us are from russia. Some of us are from Germany. Some of us are queer, disabled, chronically ill and neurodivergent. Some of us are non-disabled and neurotypical. Some of us are white and some of us are indigenous. We are against russian war and aware how this war is destroying disabled lives. We call for solidarity with disabled, chronically ill, neurodivergent and injured persons from and in Ukraine. This solidarity should mean anti-ableist work. We call on all organisations and civil society to ensure the protection and safety of disabled refugees from Ukraine in Germany and to make all services accessible for them.
Lets start with the first step

Join us, we always in dire need for
translators, coordinators and volunteers!

Apply for Volunteer

Grateful by Partnerships:

Logo of Global Distater Relief TeamLogo of International Rescue TeamLogo of International Rescue CommitteeLogo of Berlin Arrival SupportLogo of Alliance for UkraineLogo of Alliance for UkraineLogo of Alliance for Ukraine